Today, Wednesday, 17th January 2018, Councillor John Griffiths, the leader of St Edmundsbury Borough Council, planted an English Oak as the first tree in the £175,000 landscaping contract at the 114-acre business, distribution and manufacturing project at Suffolk Park, Bury St Edmunds.
The planting which started this week is being undertaken in two phases. The first phase includes planting along the estate road boundaries including Rougham Tower Avenue and Lady Miriam Way, and will take eleven weeks up to the end of March.
The second phase of planting, along the estate’s main road, will follow in November and December 2018 giving each phase of planting the best opportunity to establish and thrive before the dry warmer months set in.
Councillor Griffiths, commented: “This tree is symbolic of the roots that we have planted over several years all with the purpose of attracting inward investment and business growth here in West Suffolk while protecting our environment. We have worked and invested to achieve the Eastern Relief Road, Suffolk Business Park and with it Enterprise Zone status which makes it an even more attractive proposition to expanding or relocating businesses. Now we are investing in securing a high quality environment which will help attract the </span><span>right mix of businesses to safeguard the growth of our economy now and into the future. That in turn will help to achieve greater level of skills, pay and opportunities for young people as they leave education, creating greater wealth, prosperity and better living conditions for all of our local residents.”
The contract is being undertaken by Aspect Landscape to designs by Indigo Landscape Architects and will include 500 trees, 1.25 miles of hedge, 500 saplings and 22,000 route shrubs.
Zeb Hoffman of Indigo commenting on the first tree planting said: “the English Oak is the quintessential British tree which can live for a 1000 years or more growing 20-40 metres. While we enjoy oaks for their rugged beauty, they also provide a variety of resources for local birds insects and wildlife, supporting more life forms than any other native tree,” he adds.
Nic Rumsey, managing director of Jaynic, said: “The quality of the environment is very important to us. We believe that this investment will be appealing to potential occupiers and their employees.”
Jaynic has benefited from an innovative agreement with St Edmundsbury Borough Council who provided a £3m loan facility agreement towards the road infrastructure and landscaping.