Jaynic the developer of Haverhill Research Park at Haverhill has secured the right to develop light industrial units on the park making it more attractive to potential occupiers.
The original planning permission giving outline consent for up to 450,000 sq ft of offices and research space allowed light industrial development on the park providing it was ancillary to the predominant use of the buildings.
Jaynic applied for consent to vary the outline planning consent on the basis that the adopted Local Plan policy for the Haverhill Research Park, Policy HV10 of the Haverhill Vision 2031 document, makes no such restriction on the (B1) business uses that might be approved at the site.
Policy HV10 allocates the Haverhill Research Park site as a "strategic employment site for Class B1 Uses" - the policy makes no distinction between, or restriction on, uses within that Use Class and further states: "Development at the Haverhill Research Park will comprise the following: light industrial, research and office use..."
St Edmundsbury Council has accepted this and has now given permission for this condition to be lifted.
Ben Oughton, development director of Jaynic, said: “This will help us in seeking occupiers for the park. Despite detailed discussions with a number of potential businesses, prospective occupiers for new buildings on the Haverhill Research Park have expressed the view that the planning condition places an unwelcome restriction on their likely occupation and business use of any building,” he adds.
Jaynic hopes that the lifting of this condition will broaden the appeal of the Park. It has a high quality, fully serviced business environment in a gateway position to Haverhill from Cambridge. Infrastructure is in place to deliver new office/R&D and light industrial space in a broad range of sizes. On-site amenities include a Montessori Nursery School and the Flying Shuttle pub/restaurant.